is this gay? foursome (two guys and two girls)?


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I've been doing stuff with this girl and she has an idea to have a 4sum with another girl and another guy. the other guy is my friend who introduced me to her. I'm pretty good friends with him, but would it be gay if we were banging the same girls in the same room?

I'm 17 by the way
No you would be bi if you started banging your friend and the girls or gay if all you wanted to bang was you guy friend.
no its not gay,it would be gay if u ended up givin it to him or u guys were in the moment and suked eachother ..oh and if u crossed swords.. just try and not really watch him fuck itl prob turn u off .. and a foursome isnt when ur just all fuking in the same room its when ur having sex all together, like u have sex with both girls and trade and whatever but dont do the guy if ur uncomfortable with it ..also if u have ur friend their it might be a lil awkward after,but if you guys are that comfortable i say go for it ,,sounds like fun|!!
at 17? wow. a little early to be doing that. but oh well. why are worried if its gay? either you want to do those things are you don't. lol most guys would love that offer.
I would guess so. I would not do it. Maybe a three-some with another girl involved to the max, but a four-some... no way!
It's not gay if you're not going to be doing stuff with him.

This sounds way inappropriate for a bunch of 17 year olds to be doing btw.
Use two rooms and a lot of personal hygiene between partners.
Better protected sex for recreation than forced marriages or single parents.
Jealousy and possessiveness will be your problem.
I don't think anybody called those porno videos where a single lady was having sex with multiple guys, gay. It's only gay if the guys are making love with each other, not teaming up to have sex with other women.
no i dont think so/ it just means you should stay away from him and bang the girl. if you start banging you friend/then it gets shoved into the gay zone
if u can do that just get the girl ur going with and you in a seperate room cuz that will spread and majorly gay lolo