Is this a good piece of writing(WARNING: It is long)?


New member
Feb 20, 2009
My friend wrote this and I wanted to see what everyone thought. I personally loved it.

My favorite sense is smell.
Crisp winter mornings had such a distinct smell. Whether you wake up before dawn when the sky is so incredibly clear, or when the sun has already been up, and it is bright enough for you to watch the Cardinals eat from the birdfeeder. The only word to describe what a winter morning smells like is ice, or perhaps snow. I love stepping onto my porch, still curled up in warm pajamas, and experiencing the cold, sharp icy scent.
Cool spring nights with the attic fan give me such a feeling of comfort. The early budding nature outside is so fresh compared to the stuffy winter air that has not been let out of the house. These nights do not only provide me comfort; they also remind me of the exciting beautiful weather to come. I remember those nights as a little girl, my brothers would come jump on my bed to say goodnight. Then they ended up putting on a comic act when they left.
Every person I know, except my middle brother, thinks I am weird for liking the smell of Bradford Pear trees. Those are the ones that people say smell “fishy”. It is not so much the pleasure of the aroma that pleases me; it is what is associated with it… springtime. New buds are on all of the trees and bushes. There is a layer of yellow pollen on all outside surfaces, but I don’t mind. It is spring; it is new; it is a lovely scent of fishy.
It happens every time. I am supposed to be cleaning my room or some other task and then I end up just laying there, on the floor. My floor has a loved, worn, and carpet freshener smell to it. My first memory of the floor smell was when I wanted to be like my brothers, and play with toy racecars around the open air vent. I thought I was so cool when they let me play with them. The air-conditioning was blowing the aroma of the floor up at us. It was hard not to recognize it, and even harder not to associate such a simple and happy memory with it. There have been times when I end up lying on the floor and end up napping there. I have never had a problem waking up to that smell.
I went to the beach a day before my parents; my grandparents took me down with them since we were in the condo next door. The weather on the first morning was incredible. Of course, the first day at the beach is always exciting. After watching the early beach bums out and about, I took a shower. I washed m hair with Clinique shampoo. There could not have been a better smell in the entire world for that moment. Still today I can be in the shower, close my eyes, smell the sweet shampoo, and feel like I am at the beach.
You know it is going to be a fun day when it starts with the smell of sunscreen. I do not think I can remember a time where I have not enjoyed a day that was accompanied with sunscreen. When my brothers and I were little, we would draw faces and animals in the sunscreen as we rubbed in on each other’s back. It was always harder for them because they had to lather around with my bathing suit straps.
I have a small creek in my backyard. Going back there always makes me think of my best friend growing up. He was two years younger than me, but we played together all the time. He taught and helped me how to catch crawfish and salamanders. We ended up doing that more most of the summer. Once he had about twenty of each!
Christmas is absolutely packed with memories for me. Of course, there is the smell of the Christmas tree. One year after we had picked our tree, my brothers and I got to ride in the back of the truck with the smell of pine blowing in our faces. Also, Christmas cookies are a huge tradition at my house; baking and decorating takes almost all day, but it is worth it. I am biased, but I think this recipe is the best! On Christmas morning, after opening all of our presents, we eat cinnamon rolls and then drive down to South Georgia to celebrate the day with family. The small town of Dawson has a peanut mill, and every time we get there the windows go down, because everyone is trying to get a whiff of the sweetest peanut butter you will ever smell.