Is this a good idea for a story?


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Her name is Paralee age 20 or so in this cameo, and she works at night as some kind of performer. She's very lonely and sad, and she has virtually no memories of childhood, except vaguely understanding that it was very disappointing and sad, abusive mother/mentally ill mother, or something along those lines. She has no memories because she had a fairy who would grant her one wish, and she had as much time as she needed to make that wish, and once she made it, the fairy would grant it and then leave. Instead of thinking of something right away, she just allowed the fairy to keep her company. It was her only friend in childhood. But, for some reason the fairy had to leave when she reached adulthood, or she ended up spending the wish on something. And all memories of the fairy left her, and so she believed that no one ever loved her and she just kind of has a crappy life because of it.

My intent is to turn this into a comic at some point, but I want to write a full story first. I wrote about a page about her as an adult, and here's the link to that, if you're interested. If you don't feel like reading all of that, tell me what you think about the plot I just described.

Thank you.