Is this a bad time to be looking for a career as a pilot

No, actually its a very good time considering there is a shortage of pilots since the baby boomer's are retiring.
That's what I'm hearing from everyone that works at the university. But these oil prices are definitely going to affect something. Although a lot will change in the next 4/5 years when I'll be looking for a job anyway.

and im voting for him. and not to get into politics, but the entire U.S. military backs him up as well. i have never meet anyone from any branch of service say they would vote for clinton/obama. this goes from gunny's all the way to privates. not one.

in more relation to the topic. im goin into avionics in the USMC, to become a pilot. what makes our division diffrent from the USAF is the fact that Marine Corps has a 100% if you can pass the tests, you can fly. Air Force Says: top 20% of the class can fly. (of those who pass the test)
Edit: or you can be bamf and fly around bad guys, or smugle drugs into the country, i bet that pays well :dodgy:
Dont be ignorant. Who got the most donations from military service members.

Not McCain
Not Obama
Not Hilary

Ron Paul.

Then it was Obama.
ron paul is no longer a major contender anymore.
and the demofags arent lookin to great this year.
which leads me back to mccain. and do u have a source for ^^
The oil prices doesn't mean that airlines will be shut down forever. It will just force them to make more fuel efficient planes.
Get to know some people, fly smaller lear jets for large corporations. I know a guy who had 1,200 hours out of college, he got a job at Wawa flying executives to meetings. However, you probably won't have 1,200 hours, but think of all the places that need pilots. You could also become a CFI and work for a company like Flightsafety. I know someone who started out small there, with private lessons on the side who eventually bumped up to doing charter flights taking passengers from smaller airports over to major ones.

What aviation school are you going to?
Cite that 20% information.

The Air Force actually allows the people who perform best first pick on a plane and so on down the line. If there are 50 planes open and 55 people trying, then 50 people get planes. Same thing if there were 200 people trying, I think you made up that 20% statistic.

navy is better though
Lewis University.

I know a bunch of pilots already because my uncle is one and he used to take me to hang out at a small local airport around my house.
To getting a degree in aviation is a waste of money and a degree. Get a degree in something general that you like so you have a backup if things don't go well with aviation.

Just pick a good flight school, you don't really need a degree.
I am going to be a pilot. its my goal as of now. not gonna get a degree in aviation. just gonna go to a good flight school. Matt23 is right.
being a pilot is still a great career.

it's just no where near as great as it used to be.
I am 16 years old, have soloed an airplane, obtaining my private pilot license and instrument rating on my 17th birthday, commercial rating, Commercial Multi Engine License on my 18th birthday, and flight instructor ratings when I am in college so I can flight instruct a little during the summer. Just keep in mind that when you start out, you will most likely start out at a regional airline making around $20,000 as a Regional first officer. Maybe $28,000 for a 2nd year FO, and then you might upgrade to regional jet/prop captain and make $50,000 for a first year captain, and so on so forth until you get to a Major airline such as Delta, Us Airways, UAL, etc and you start out not making a lot there but after one or two years there you have smooth sailing unless you happen to get furloughed. This is an industry where you have to have a passion for aviation and be willing to make some sacrifices to succeed. If you have a passion, by all means go for it!!! Just keep in mind all of the sacrifices that you will have to make.
Do you have to have perfect vision to become a pilot? My normal eyesight is trash but I wear contacts.. not sure if they approve of that or not. I was also thinking of going into aviation after college.