is there anywhere to download Microsoft Access torrent?


Jul 29, 2008
I need this software briefly for some work, I would buy it but since I can't see myself using in the foreseeable future I don't see the point. I use a mac and I was wondering if any one knew any urls for the download, i also use utorrent and i was just going to use boot camp or something similar to run the software. preferably version 2007.
That's considered copyright infringement. Some alternatives:

SQL Server Express/SQL Management Studio (both Free) from Microsoft.

If you just need the database, it's actually built-in to every copy of Windows. You'll be going into Administrative tools of the Control Panel and creating a System or User DSN of an MDB File. You'll have to work with it programatically.
THAT IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now for the cheap legal option: look on eBay for a copy (even if it looks fake) and if its genuine your in luck :) if not use the Microsoft "How To Tell" program to report the counterfeit and get a genuine copy for the cost of sending the counterfeit item!