Is there any way to teach a dog to stop whining? She is a dobie and about 6...

May 14, 2008
...months old.? Besides the obvious of taking her out to pee and ensuring she is fed and has water, I wanted to know if anyone has any tricks to stop the whining. We put her in her crate when we are busy with things around the house,and when we go out...and tie her on a tether that crosses the yard, and all she does is whine to be out and be able to run around on her own. She gets plenty of attention and love, but from an obedience standpoint, I don't want her to be a barker/whiner unless it's necessary. This is unnecessary whining that I am referring to, again, not her cues of needing something besides attention from us. Thank you in advance if you have any tips that could help!!
I have a dobie, and they are VERY vocal dogs. If you are crating her, while you are still roaming around the house, she will she this as punishment and maybe the cause of her whining while being crated. Dobies are very social dogs and suffer from separation anxiety a lot!!! At least, mine does! Now, if I do go to leave, I have to crate him, otherwise he would tear up the house with his nervousness of me being gone. But, I also do not use his crate as a form of punishment. If he needs a time out, he goes in another room. His crate, which is suppose to be his safe place all of his own, should not be turned into a bad place to be. If my dobie, is getting to wild, I will put him outside to run around....but I have a fenced yard. Dobies need TONS of exercise and socialization. Most of their bad behavior stems from fear. Take your pup OUT of the house to meet other dogs!!! And, take him on scheduled walks. This should help build confidence and help curb obedience issues! :D
Ignore. If you are sure she does not truly need something, pay no attention and she should stop. Whining is usually about either anticipating something or wanting something. The more you acknowledgs the whining, the more she'll do it. It should fade, but as breeds go, Dobies tend to be whiners! Making sure she has enough physical exercise and mental stimulation, as well as basic obedience training will help.