Is there a way to wifi tether an iphone 4 or newer on verizon for free?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I am currently using a droid 2 to tether to my laptop as i have no other means of internet where i live.
I flashed froyo on that phone so the tethering would still be free. i have an unlimited data plan that will carry over to any new phone that i get so don't have to worry about overage charges for data.

I would like to know if there is a way for me to still WiFi tether using an iPhone 4 or 4s without being charged extra by Verizon. i know with iPhone 4 there was an app you could get after jail breaking your phone that would allow this but i cant seem to find any recent info to shot it is still possible and if it can be done on an iPhone 4s as well.