Is there a LEGIT online Job quiz for teens in high school?


Jul 17, 2008
Hi, im A sophomore in high school. So, im thinking of collage, and what I want to do for a living.

Basically I want do some law enforcement work (Either a Homicide Detective or a U.S Marshal, MAYBE an attorney/lawyer), or I'll end up doing what my PARENTS want me to do.... which is a Computer Engineer. I REALLY don't want to be the guy sitting in front of a computer all day doing Coding . My dad is a computer engineer. He says it's a good job. I am currently taking computer science classes in high school. We are doing Java. So, I think Computer science is ok, but NOT for me. I DON'T want to be working in front of a computer the rest of my life. I want to help people, and I want to catch criminals, and stuff like that. My dad wants me to take Computer Engineering as a Major In Collage, and Law (since im interested in it), as a minor. He's saying to do this because then I'll have a backup, but we all know he wants me to be a computer Engineer. I guess I'll do that if it's the only way to get into a good collage, because I have an A currently in Com-Sci, and All other B's, and one C. But I DON'T, absolutely DON'T want to go into the field of Computer Engineering, pick it as a job, and HATE it. Im not to much afraid of sucking at it, because, im OK at it, with a bit more practice, I'll get better and all. But I DON'T want to do something I'll end up hating. And frankly, Cumputer Engineering for me, is boring. It has it's moments at times
, but it's still boring to me.

I looked up job quizzes online, but never found a good one. Is there a good JOB quiz that's online, that I can take and will point me in the right direction?

This quiz has to be_
1_ Precise
2_ Have ALOT of jobs that's it's comparing me to based on my answers to find the best job for me. I don't want it to be a quiz with only a few jobs as a possibility. If possible, it should compare my results to MOST jobs out there.
3_Be VERY detailed with the questions to get the best result.

P.S_ did i post this type of question in the right category? Or is there a better category for it?
