Is the Nintendo DS age appropriate for a 3 1/2 year old boy?


New member
Dec 3, 2011
I'm thinking about getting my 3 1/2 year old son a Nintendo DS for Christmas. Does anyone know if this will be age appropriate for him? Will he be able to figure out the games? Also, any recommendations on whether we should get the DSi or DS Lite? Thanks!
My 5 year old cousin can use a computer to go on websites, I think a 3-1/2 year old can handle a DSi

But you may want to have Parental Controls on the system and set up the wi-fi settings for him
personally I think video games at that age is bad but I see no reason why not..get the ds lite
Well, since he's so young, get him the ds lite. DSI has alot of features he wont know how to use, so he wont use them. I think its age appropriate, if u get him good games. YOur going to have to help him out at first, untill he remembers what to press. they make games for younger kids too. REMEMBER, you can always upgrade to a DSI later, dont waste your money on it now. Im guessing by the time he is old enough to have a DSI, there will be better technology he will want.