Is the convicted child molester across the street who accepted Christ as...


New member
Mar 5, 2013
...his savior more deserving of? a spot in heaven than the electrician next door, who is a great loving husband with a wife and child and didn't pay much mind to religion? He just worked to support his family and was an all around good guy.
Some of these are answers from warped minds.

Please rent the movie Jesus Camp and see what kind of peers these sickos have.
The key to your questions lies in whether the child molester has stopped his criminal behavior and been forgiven.In reference to the electrician who appears to have dedicated his life to himself,these Bible verses are instructive:

1 Corinthians 7:32-35

32 But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. 33 But HE WHO IS MARRIED CARES ABOUT THE THINGS OF THE WORLD,how he may please his wife. 34 There is a difference between a wife and a virgin.THE UNMARRIED WOMAN CARES ABOUT THE THINGS OF THE LORD, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world,how she may please her husband. 35 And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may SERVE THE LORD WITHOUT DISTRACTION. :applause:
>>>Is the ....... more deserving of....

he is NOT MORE deserving

thanks for asking.
Are you aware that statistics show that a majority of those who abuse children...were also victims themselves when they were children? Not to justify it...but to make the point that sin produces more sin and we all sin in one way or another. Jesus died so all who accept His Sacrifice can have forgiveness...regardless whether their sin is great or small.
Jesus said “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God''

no one can be good enough to go to heaven on their own merit
yes,man's righteousness to God is as filthy rags, all have sinned and come short,but only through Jesus MIGHT man be saved
According to religious people, like poster Matthew, it would be the former.


I bet they have gone to Jesus Camp, hence their responses.

If a convicted child molester or a person like Dahmer are in heaven merely because they accept Jesus and believed in God then God has a very warped mentality.
Sadly for you it really is all about respecting the person of Jesus Christ.

None of us "deserves" heaven, it is always a free gift based on the merits of Jesus, and not on our own good, or bad actions.

Years ago one fellow named Jeffrey Dahmer, who was as bad as they come, was sent to prison. He accepted Christ. His fellow inmates killed him anyway. Did he get what he "deserved", in prison?

Is he in heaven? Who knows but the LORD God. It really is one of those cases in which it is best to "let God, be God".

Back to the electrician...God is not being unfair to him, since no one gets to heaven by "deserving" or earning entrance there. He has disregarded and disrespected the actions of Jesus, who suffered death on a cross to provide a way to heaven for sinners. He still has opportunity to repent, accept the LORD into his life, and be on his way to eternity in heaven. A good life will not be enough, although it is commendable. God has his reasons for that, one of which is it cost the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus to make the way open for all who believe to be made right with God.

If living human measures was enough, then Jesus' sacrifice and death were unnecessary.
God won't allow that to be the case. It was necessary, and it was done right. For the electrician, and for the repentant child molester. The two thiefs that were crucified the same time as Jesus were both equally guilty of their crimes. One repented, and one did not. One made it to "paradise" with the LORD of Glory; one did not. These things are examples for us to learn from.
Think thats bad? There are whole populations who got the divine facepalm like the Olmecs, Toltecs, Yayoi and Qin.
The question is without basis. You don't understand Grace.

You don't deserve Heaven, and neither am I. Heaven is not earned. We are all sinners and as such deserving of hell. The child molester has chosen God's forgiveness has chosen to repent and live his life for Christ. He wants to be with Jesus in His Heaven.

The electrician doesn't want to be with Jesus in His Heaven.