Is the book Just Listen, By Sarah Dessen, worth reading for a 14 year old who...


New member
Nov 15, 2011
...mainly likes Sci Fi? I also like fantasy. I was given the Book for my birthday and told i had to read it... but i don't know...
It's a good book! i read it about 3 days ago lol. It confused me kind of because it kept transferring from reality to past and back...basically it's about her telling about her friendships and how they were ruined and what not. and then of course there is this family issue and a relationship involved. but yes, it is good! Though, it isn't sci fi or fantasy. more..romantic fiction? or realistic fiction.
I'm a firm believer in branching out in all literary genres. It's a good book, but it may have some offensive semi-adultish content. But, don't think you won't like a book, just because it isn't in the same genre that you normally read.
Just Listen is a pretty good book, but it has nothing to do with sci-fi or fantasy. While i enjoyed the book, i thought it got kind of boring in places. I'd recommend it to someone who doesn't mind long romance novels, but I don't know if you would. Give it try, you might like it.
If you really like fantasy then, no it's not for you. But, it would be nice of you to read it. Whoever gave it to must think it's good. It is a good book too.
It's okay. The quality of her writing is good. It's definitely not related to sci-fi or fantasy in any way; it's the complete opposite. I suggest you give it a try... you never know, you may discover that you really like realistic fiction/romance a lot too