Is she interested in a second date?

if she was talking before that point about having a great time with you and seemed to be having a great time when you two were out, she might have just fell asleep or something.
i doubt she would have said all that and then just stopped talking to you.
you shouldn't worry, she'll probably reply the next day or something :)
she prob fell asleeep.
especially if it was 2:30 & you guys were drinking at a bar..
just txt her tmrw & be like wanna hang out again sometime soon & see how tht goes.
sounds like she likes you. you might want to chill a little girls like it best when you keep in contact but if you constantly text her she might feel like your coming on too strong. i doubt her not responding at 2:30 means anything but she was sleeping or tired.

but try it out im sure she will say yes if she was having as much fun as you thought she was

cheers good luck!
Geez, she probably fell asleep! It's great you're mature enough to tell this girl how much you like her and not play games (some men never get to this stage), but seriously, there is still such a thing as being too keen! Give her some space. Don't contact her for a day or so, just to give her time to think (and time to miss you). You will creep her out if you can't leave her alone. Also, seeming desperate, which you are in danger of doing, is unattractive.
I think she likes you she wouldn't have kissed you if she didn't. I bet she was asleep. Give her a day or so without texting her & i bet she'll txt u if she does reply