Is One Piece and fairy Tail appropriate?


May 19, 2008
Because my lil' bro just finished watching Death Note and he loved it, and is looking into getting some other anime series. So, is there any sex or nudity in it? And there cannot be hardcore swearing, maybe they can say minor swears sometimes but not always.
He's 11.
I've only seen fairy tail and a little off one piece. There are minor words and an there might be an extremely little point of nudity ( nothing to worry about). I would defiantly recommend it just skip parts that you don't feel him comfortable watching.( if there are any) If he watched death note Fairy tail is 100% ok to watch for an 11 year old
Let him watch it. it's fine
depends on his age. he probably shouldn't be watching anime but kids get to do as they wish these days
One Piece and Fairy Tail are both fine for an 11 year old. They're certainly more child friendly than Death Note!

One Piece is rated PG13, and so is Fairy Tail, but those tend to be really strict. I would honestly let an 8 year old watch One Piece.