Is Nicotine really as addictive as the government portray it to be?


New member
Dec 29, 2012
I've been experimenting with supposedly addictive substances for a while now, nothing illegal, just your common alcohol, nicotine and caffeine and i'm rather surprised with my results.
My latest experiment was on nicotine, I decided to smoke on average 10 - 15 cigarettes per week for a few months. I know this doesn't sound like much but my aim was to find out if I wanted to smoke more than just the 10 - 15 after a few weeks of already doing so.
I was smoking Marlboro red for the most part but sometimes alternated to the more bearable Marlboro menthol, the nicotine content was the same so it did not affect the experiment.
The stories people tell you about nicotine cravings are sometimes really horrific but for me, not once did I crave another cigarette during the few months of smoking and once I stopped (about a month ago) I still have had no cravings and being honest I kind of forgot i even tried smoking. I must have smoked on average around 150 cigarettes over maybe 2 months.
Another thing is that I haven't even felt any affects on my health, I've never felt breathless or un-capable of doing any physical activity and I'm quite an active person.
In fact, I've found that caffeine is more addictive due to the affects I felt when I didn't get enough of that were far worse than nicotine.

Is smoking really that bad for you?