Is my Christian friend being a hypocrite?


New member
May 6, 2013
On Friday night my husband and I had a long argument with him about gays. (Note he doesn't know we're atheist). We said gays are born that way. We said they're free to live their lives as they please so long as it hurts no one else - which they don't. Our friend says being gay is a sin. Our friend says being gay is a choice taken by the person. Our friend says gay men are raised from dominant mothers and they are not born that way - they can choose to be straight. He says gay people will go to hell.

My question is - does he have the right to make these comments when he's living with his girlfriend and having sex before marriage? Isn't that also a "sin"?
Oh I forgot to mention - with every strong argument we gave him his retaliation was "But my point is true because the bible says so" (That to me, is a very weak argument)
Tell him to shut the hell up, or back the fuck off. And if you can please hit him in the head for me thanks :)
Most Christians are, so don't worry about your friend, he's a normal Christian.
Christians like to condemn others and excuse themselves. Yes it's hypocrisy, but it's how Christians generally roll.