Is Mobile Affiliate Marketing still a viable option?


New member
Oct 26, 2011
Hi there all Affiliate Marketers.

Hopefully this has got your attention, I have been an affiliate marketer for a few months and I do know some of the basics. I have recently come across Admob and was wondering what are the best programs to use? I have signed up to a few and started to run a campaign on Admob but cause it takes them 24 hours for them to approve a campaign I don't know my results yet? (btw I started this campaign yesterday just as a test) So far I have signed up to a program called Offermobi, also Commission Junction which I have used in the passed with great success, but can't seem to find any offers on Commission Junction for Mobile advertising, where do you find these?

I understand that affiliate market is all about trying to sell people products, so please don't recommend any products just so you can make a quick buck. I am really looking for a bit of advise so I asking you to help a fellow affiliate marketer in kind. Maybe one day I can return the favour.

Thanking you in advance.
