is it true all the churches that claim to follow christ are christians?

Jesus never established any churches.He had a field ministry,frequently preaching in fields.Although there are many denominations they disagree with each other usually on trivial issues and sometimes on methods of administration.There are only a few denominations,most notably the Catholic,Jeovah's Witnesses and Mormons, who have created teachings that radically depart from the Bible and in the case of the latter two, were founded by by cult leaders who were mentally ill.
WE have to be careful. Some may not be---not sure which ones, but we hear of compromising with the word of God in many churches. It depends a lot on the pastor of course.
If they claim it,for what reason do you question it?
Jesus founded the truth. the churches founded themselves.
Not necessarily. Muslims would say they follow Jesus but they aren't Christians. Jesus found 1 church and it was the Catholic Church. Saint Peter became the first pope. Other churches branched out from there. At different points in time there were schism's.

The Eastern Orthodox church was the first and I think they split around the year 1000.

Then in the 1500's you had the protestant reformation and this created a bunch of different denominations. One reason this happened was because the bible was translated into English. Before this time the bibles were commonly written in Latin and nobody but the priest who had to learn Latin understood what was written. When it was translated into English other people could interpret the scripture for themselves. The second reason was due to the invention of the printing press. Before this time the Priests had to lock their bibles in the church because they were so rare and they couldn't afford to lose them. The printing press made the bible widely available and common people could read and interpret it for themselves.

The thing is Jesus founded one Church the Apostles and their successors established many particular churches. If you take into consideration there were different Apostles that established different churches in different cultures you would end up with many different traditions this is how the early Church was one Church that was made up of many particular churches that had different traditions. You could place the Church of Rome which was established by the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and place it next to the Church of Alexandria which was established by St. Mark the Evangelist and they would be similar but different in how they celebrated the Sacraments.
Now it was unchallenged that the Bishop of Rome was the head of the Church for the first three centuries being that Rome was made the capital of Christianity. The Bishops of Rome would exercise their authority as the leader of the Church outside of the Holy See of Rome to settle disputes amongst churches, excommunicated heretics, and they had the final say in any matters of the faith and moral teachings of the Church. This authority that the Bishop of Rome had would begin to wane during the 4th century in which other Holy Sees would seek to have this authority over the Church. Of course issues risen which lead to these churches to schism from the Catholic Church like the heresy Nestorianism which resulted in the Church of the East schism from the Catholic Church and the heresy of Miaphysitism which resulted in the Oriental (Coptic) Orthodox Church schism from the Catholic Church. The schism between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church was always political in nature on who was the leader of the Church. I would have to say the final schism was not the Great Schism but rather the schism that followed the Council of Trullo in 692 AD when the four Eastern Holy Sees got together to divide that authority as the leader of the Church between themselves even though they also included the Holy See of Rome the Western Church Bishops refused to attend this council. To understand this the Bishop of Rome being the successor of St. Peter did not feel that they should undo the decree which Jesus Himself had made when He appointed St. Peter as the head of the Church here on earth. The interesting thing was the brief reunification between the Western Church and Eastern Church before the Great Schism because there were conditions made and one of those conditions was that the Eastern Church recognize the Bishop of Rome as the head of the Church in which it was agreed. But in turn the Western Church also agreed that the Patriarchs of the Eastern churches would remain the head of their church. In fact after the Great Schism over the centuries some of these churches had reunited with the Catholic Church and are currently under that same system as was established prior before the Great Schism.
Sunday churches are no churches of God. they are disobedient whores and should be avoided

The other Women (whore of babylon)

the only true Christians are those who keep the commandments of God (including the 4th commandment) and have the testimony of Jesus Christ @Rev. 14:12 and Rev 12:17

Written in stone! - lesson 6 (10 commandments)!.aspx
Lost day of history - lesson 7 (4th commandment)
jesus didnt "found" any churches
he said what he needed to say, did what he was called to do
and the apostles created a church for organized worship
there are different interpretations of certain aspects which causes divisions. unfortunately.
Only people that follow Christ are Christians and if everyone in any particular church follows Christ then that Church is a Christian church.