Is it safe to torrent again?


Apr 20, 2008
So about 3 weeks ago i received a letter in the mail from my ISP, Charter, telling me i have been caught torrenting and next time my internet will be cut off, i only ever torrented harmless stuff such as older movies that are hard to find, and various tv series. But just yesterday i switched ISP"s to at@t and im just wondering if switching internet service providers changes my IP, and if it should be safe to start torrenting again? and if i was caught, would it be a first strike for them? or does my strike from my old ISP carry over?
It depends.

Its possible that the strike will carry over. If those two ISPs have a deal going.

More likely next time you pirate something you will get a first strike again.

Pirating is pirating. Its getting harder and harder to do so these days. You will get caught again. No matter how harmless you think it is your still denying money to those companies. Even the big companies fall. There use to be 4 music giants. The 4 largest record labels in the world. Called the 4 majors for over 20 years. At the start of this year one of them died. EMI. They were the only company that just specialised in much out of the four. Revenue had dropped 90% in 10 years. And they other majors don't want to buy most of ther assets as they don't have enough money to do so.

And they say pirating is harmless.