Is it possible to tell the future in dreams?


May 15, 2008
Okay I know I sound crazy.. And most of you won't believe me but I can see the future in my dreams.. For instance.. The first time my aunt in my dream was pregnant and I was the only one that knew and in reality two weeks later she called and told me she was pregnant.. So i just thought it was a coincedence..A couple of months after that I had a dream that a Michael was injured really badly.. Well I know alot of michaels my 3 year old brothers name is michael and two weeks after that dream my brother had gotten 2nd degree burns at a daycare you can google it of you don't believe me it was on the news in Roswell new Mexico.. Well thar made me wonder.. And not to long ago I had a dream that I was driving in the passenger seat with an unknown driver and he arrows on the brakes at a stoplight but he kept going and hit the back of a car well last night that happened.. So it just made me wonder... I'm probably just imagining stuff but I swear this is true..
No - sometimes our intuitive function will work in dreams and the dream will speculate about the future.