Is it possible my boyfriend is cheating in this long distance relationship?


May 19, 2008
Is it possible my boyfriend is cheating in this long distance relationship?
I'm currently in a long distance relationship, whereas I'm in colorado and my boyfriend is in Poland. I met him about 2 months ago in Poland when I visited my dad, so we didn't have much time to get to know each other because I left in a month, but we fell in love right away. The next time I'm going to see him is in 9 months, and its so hard to trust him. He's a big ladies man, and he's good looking so he can get a girl easily. We talk almost everyday on facebook, he also calls me a few times a week.
Meanwhile, I'm being a little facebook stalker and i started finding out that he flirts with girls alot, even when we were together physically and inseparable, he commented on girls pictures with ";)" or "goddam!" and likes every pretty girls photo. Yes, its bothering me a lot because who knows what he's really doing .. I can't .. I'm on the other side of the world :/

But then again he is the sweetest thing ever. He cried when at the airport and wanted to save sex for when we will live together (and its true because he had many opportunities) Everyone said they "Never saw a Dominick so in love with a girl" (even his parents) ..

So what's wrong with this picture? Am I overreacting? Is he suppose to be flirting while I'm oceans away?
(I also don't really want to talk to him about it because I don't want to come off as the jealous girl friend ) ... What do I do :'(
btw, we're both 18