Is it ok to "sext" a friend? Just as a joke?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
So this guy friend of mine and I text and talk a lot, but there's nothing romantic about our relationship. So we were talking about colleges and stuff and I told him I got into Harvard. I guess he didn't.... So he sent me a text that was a picture of his naked ass... Basically he was mooning me, like for getting back at me and whatnot. So I sent him back a picture of my naked boobs, with the message "yeah, you can suck it haha" I didn't hear back.... How could I possibly have offended him? Talk about a double standard...
Where do I start. You aren't getting back at him by sending him a picture of you breasts. If anything you are sending him jack-off material. If you want to get back at him just send a picture of your butt instead. I don't know, it sounds very immature.
Okay? Uhm it isnt okay! Its weird, nasty, gross, awkward, very wrong! Its just not right. Really sending pictures? Wow ! I swear i sext with my Friend but she's also a girl and i am too, but me and her just play around, but we dont send pictures. We'll just be like "you like that(; rawr!" Or "open your legs" and stuff buf we just play around. But you send a picture to a guy? You're dirty and nasty !
If you're under 18 (which I assume you are since you're still in high school) then "sexting" is actually illegal in some places.

It's not that you've offended him it's just you've made it awkward; like, let's pretend he sent you a picture of his dangly bits, it's a bit awkward. Just smooth things over with him in person the next time you see him and assure him it's just a joke
There is a chance that you did offend him, though make it blatantly clear that you did it as a joke and nothing more serious. Like payback for him mooning you.