Is it not amusing to hear Republicans whine about not being able to read a


New member
Jan 23, 2009
proposed bill before voting on it..? ...yet that's the exact thing they did when they were controlling Congress prior to 2006.
Fact is, neither party wants their bills read. With a huge bill, it's much easier to get 'questionable' additions and pork projects hidden in the bulk of the paperwork. The USA Patriot Act was a great example of this.
Oh, and what happened with Obama's suggestion to put the bill online for 5 days prior to voting so all Americans can read it?
Congressional delegates, be it republican or democrat, should be jailed for not reading a bill they vote for or against.
Its funnier hearing you guys cry that your freebie healthcare is gonna get shot down.

BTW, Obama voted for the Patriot Act.......twice
the Patriot Act will be throw in our face anytime a Democrat is in power however that's not a free pass to do whatever the heck you want to
They're a bunch of hypocrites who conveniently forget the history of this country whenever it suits them.

But I do remember Obama saying that, and I will hold it against him with a serious grudge if he doesn't make good on that. Every American needs to read it, have a chance to ask questions if they don't understand it, disagree with it, or think it's the best thing since sliced bread. I think that's the only way that to make it fair and stop the bickering. Then, let the people decide if they want it by measuring the feedback. They could find a way to make that happen. I'm the first one to want this, I think it's a great idea and will be a major feather in Obama's cap and something we need very badly. We've been trying to get health care fixed since Roosevelt if I'm remembering my history correctly. But if they get it wrong and it's a disaster then we're all really ****ed.

So we NEED to read it.
Say good bye to this question you can thank the liberal cry babies that flagged mine.
There was an adage that was fairly common 50-60 years ago which said, "The more evil or oppressive a regime is the more necessary it is for them to provide an external devil for their citizens to focus their anger and frustrations."

Ever notice how often the current crop of Dems keep pointing to President Bush for their own failures? Interesting don't you think?
Oh but whenever someone supports health care reform, the Republican response is "have you READ the bill??" As if any of them have read it. They just take two sentences that were twisted around on the Glenn Beck show and repaste them on here day after day while asking "have you READ the bill??"
All politicans are hypocrites, its very clear

but every few years people seem to forget that