Is it any psychological reason behind my desire to please ppl ? (Plz help me...


May 12, 2008
...stop it !)? I'm 19,virgin,physically girl, but boyish.I thought I'm into girls & that I'm ftm transgender & want to transition some day!

But my weird sexual orientation & strong desire to please & make smile, stops me!

My parents didn't/don't have a good life together as they usually have fights &/or arguments. Also my dad (I hate him, rarely talk to him & know him as my mom's husband) sometimes beats me & my mom. He did it even when I was a kid.
However it hasn't made me hate other men or boys "at all" ! & since childhood till now I've been even more comfy with men & boys from all ages. I only hate him.
Sometimes their arguments sound childish to me.
& I kinda guess I know that sometimes he wants sex & mom doesn't give it to him! Etc
anyway, I have a strong desire to forget about all "loving girls & ftm issue", date guys on future as a straight girl, & try to have a really good life by not making the mistakes my parents &/or other couples make.
& also I think as I'm boyish & with a guyish mind & interests, I can understand my bf better & have a better life & closer relationship with him.
I also can love,respect & please him ,listen to him, help him, make him feel lucky & happy,etc
also as I have a really huge sex-drive & as I know I'm really open minded & versatile & creative & interested when It comes to sex, I can please him & also me & we can have a grrreat sex life.
U can't believe it, I love all type of p0rns, but my fave ones are the ones in which the girl/guy pleases the guy (esp with bj) &"makes the guy smile/giggle/compliment/talk dirty,specially by complimenting his penis, semen,etc.
also, I think If I be honest, nice, loyal, friendly &understanding to my bf, he will be the same & will love me more, & then we'll be happy!
& If I sacrifice for him, he will even love me more. Exe :
I hate kids, becoming pregnant & being called mom.
I really want to undergo a hysterectomy.
But If he loves kids & me to be mother of his kids, I'll sacrifice!