Is hugging for a long time considered too much PDA?


May 12, 2008
I had my boyfriend over and we were watching tv with my family, and since I was at home with my family, I was comfortable and hugged my boyfriend for a long time. It was only I who was doing the hugging (he hugs too, but I am more the hugger out of the two of us). My family knows I like to hug people and I am super affectionate. I didn't kiss my boyfriend in front of them...just held his hands and link arms with him and the long hug. When my boyfriend left, my mom told me that it was too much, my sister as well saying I was "all over him". Anyway, I'm kind of hurt right now, and I just wanted to know how much is too much PDA? Would you consider hugging with a lot of affection/almost cuddling too much? I was at home. I wouldn't do that outside my home.