Is Howard Camping a nutcase because he now says his prediction was out by 5...


New member
May 24, 2011
...months and will occur in November?
Sorry I meant October.
No, he's a nutcase because he's been making these predictions for something like 30 years already.
Fool some of the people some of the time. most of the people some of the time......but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.....
He's a politician if I've ever seen one.
Now he says the original prediction has happened - it wasn't quite as spectacular as expected, but judgement has arrived. We've all been judged.

October is the confirmation date, which he had already mentioned before, in passing, as the day we poor saps left behind were going to get it.

He figures there's still some money to be squeezed.
He might also have been concerned about avoiding a lynch mob from forming.
And if you ask me, his response was planned all along, right down to the "I'm flabbergasted" part.
People need to move on and enjoy there lives, rather than dwelling on this or other doomsayer rubbish. It's ironic how he has finally resurrected three days after his doom saying prediction, stating he was totally 'flabbergasted'.
For one he said the 21st was the rapture, now hes saying that Judgement Day will be in October. He failed at his Rapture prediction but now hes just moving on to his next prediction about Judgement Day. This isn't a second go at this, this is just going on about how things didn't go according to plan but it will still happen.