Is he Gay and in Denial, or Bi?


Jun 18, 2008
I don't really believe a man can be truly bi, but I through that option in there just in case. Anyway, I recently met a very str8acting muscular man who has been in an ltr for a few years now with a woman. He described himself to me originally as Bi and closeted. He seems to be more macho and masculine than most straight men I know, for example: he's a fireman and a technician, he plays lots of sports - the more the better, and he owns a boat and motorcycle. In the past, he told me that he had cheated on a few girlfriends with other women (never any men), but always asked the women to finger his butthole. He told me he had always fantasized about bottoming for a man and being submissive to him. So, I gave him what he wanted and he loved it. He told me he had never been louder or more comfortable. He kissed my face and body with such passion that I had never seen (even from another gay man). After a few weeks of weekly 'sessions' he ended our sexual relationship, and now wants friendship. He claims that he has no more desire for me or any man, that he doesn't crave sex with men, but that he thinks we could be really good friends. I see him less now, but we text almost every day and we talk on the phone a couple times a week. We've hung out a couple times as friends already, and I've noticed there is a level of intimacy between us even though he says he doesn't want to have sex with me anymore and that we're just friends. Even though we're "just friends" he invades my personal space all the time by standing very close to me, leaning in to me when talking, and checking me out when he thinks I'm not looking.

What should I do? If I bring up the possibility of restarting the sexual relationship, or asking him if he's really gay, he gets angry.