Is Fedor Emelianenko the best MMA fighter in the world?


New member
Jul 21, 2008
I think he is. He demolishes everyone he fights. He fights the best competition too. He has never officially lost (but he did lose one fight after a stoppage at the 17 second mark after he got cut badly- which was caused by an illegal elbow to the head). On his Wikipedia page it said that nobody even really disputes that he is the best heavyweight MMA fighter in the world. They said he has been considered the best for at least 6 years now. I've seen the guy fight Sylvia. He first cracked Silvia in the face with a powerful punch in the first few seconds and when Sylvia fell down he did an unusual move- he decided to show his unbeatable ground skills by choking him out. Damn. A 36 second fight against Sylvia. And this is just one of many examples of him destroying anyone he fights. Do you think anyone can beat him?