Is Deut. 32:31 a prophecy against the black Muslim rock in their Ka'aba...the


Jul 7, 2008
true Rock being God? "For their (surrounding enemy nations) rock is not like our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges."
Jack Daniels Black Label: correct Muslims will not say they worhship this rock. But they also call the Ka'aba the "House of Allah". One of the 5 pillars of Islam is to journey to Mecca at least once in their lives, and circumambulate this mosque which houses the rock, seven times counterclockwise; some do 12 times. When Muslims pray, they face this house of Allah. Long ago, this rock was thought to be lunar in origin. And, in fact, the head of the 360 allahs of the Bedouine pantheon was the moongod. Thus each mosque has the cresant moon atop of it, honoring the family deity of Mohammad- for he destroyed all other idol gods of the Ka'aba. They can claim what they will, but this rock is the reason these worshipping began long ago.
The rock is Christ Jesus. Though Jesus is God, the rock is truly Jesus.
bless you.

Deuteronomy 32:31 King James Version (KJV)
31For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.

This is for all who do not have Jesus as their rock. For if not Jesus their rock is not as my rock.
a lot of people worshiped Baal back then in the middle east who was a rock, probably talking about that instead of this rock they have in Mecca which is supposedly the rock that Jacob slept on when he meet the angel and caught it and forced it to bless him. It has never been worshiped as a god as far as I know unless the same rock was also Baal.
No. Read verse 15. God is describing Jeshurun - apostate Israel. Islam did not appear for many centuries after this was written.