Is Chelsea Clinton used as a "prop" by her biological parents?



It would take many cups of Kool Aid to believe the Clinton's marriage is for real.

An educated, powerful egotistical, accomplished, lawyer-senator would allow her husband to continue with countless affairs, for 20+ years? Huh? Is that behavior consistent with Hillary's fear and intimidation style for her underlings? Do you recall when the secret service was warned if a single item of privacy was released to the public, heads would roll? Wouldn't Bill have to be checked for STD's on a daily basis? Is Hillary the type of woman who would allow Bill to have multiple affairs- 24/7?

Whenever the Clintons are exposed with a scandal, crime, abuse of power, affair, the Clintons trot out Chelsea, holding hands as if they are like any other American family. The media plays their role, on orders from Hillary....

Do you think Chelsea is just used a prop, for the media to follow orders on photo ops and spin jobs? If their lives are a con, is their politics a con too?
Don't say their personal lives are private; that is not an excuse, the Clintons promote their marriage and family heavily and often via the biased liberal media.
Chelsea seems like a smart and decent kid. Yes, she's used as a political prop. That is not the exclusive practice of Clintons... though it's refreshing to see a political kid who obviously doesn't hate her folks... which is a lot of what, let's say Reagan, was about.

I'm not voting for Hillary, but I do have to wonder at the venom everyone feels for the Clintons.

At least, when we had a Clinton in office, we weren't bankrupt and fighting a war with no known ending.

But I guess they just aren't right wing enough.

Personally, I find the Clinton's too right wing.
Powerful educated accomplished women allow it all the time.

The list is endless.

You need to read more history and fewer fanzines about marriage I think.

And what scandals have been "exposed" that have a shred, ounce, speck of court-valid proof in them?


You seem to be a person taken with appearances and not attuned to finding any substance in what you say.
I cannot wait. Its just a matter of time before chelsea runs for office.