Iphone or Android 4G type phone which is better buy & usage?


New member
May 15, 2012
I was given an opportunity to buy a cell phone an iphone 4S or an android 4g version type smart phone

mind you I am a very happy prepaid flip phone cell user but I will be tacked on to my uncle's plan for 10 buck s month but it cost close to 30 bucks a month for 2GB worth of data plan to use on these iphones or android type smart phones....

i do lots of texting with one or two relatives and the few friends I have they just like to call to ACTUALLY talk to me not text or surf the web

now since I refuse to pay 600 bucks for an ipad i was thinking go with a android smart phone cause god knows how obsolete the iphone 4s will be in mere months cause I read about rumors of a new iphone 5 (already nervous of blinking cause there could be an iphone 6 I probably don't know about?

not a fan of version but since I lost my job and need a phone my uncle is willing to let me piggy back him on his plan and he really wants me to splurge but even if given the chnace to splurge I'm frightened about wasting $100 bucks a month 30 for data plan and 70 for unlimited texting calling and surfing for my phone and I don't want this generous guy to dump all this money on me if he doesn't need to....

so in terms f usage, performance, battery life etc etc which phone should I choose and get iphone 4s or android smart phone from verzion (might I add I hate the msart phones for one reason they are huge & almost make me want to spend the 600 bucks and get the lousy ipad and call it a day but the main thing i need is a decent reliable phone, its gonna be very hard for me to go form antequated flip phone with prepaid to go with a phone with a plan and internet surface feel liek if I use ti too much I could send my uncle in the poor house and I am responsible 38 years old so save the laughter for other time ...) thank you for all answers and help