iPhone 5 not remembering known networks... Anyone else having this problem?


New member
Jul 9, 2008
I got an iPhone 5 through pre-order and since i've gotten it i've noticed that it won't remember wifi connections after it goes on standby for a few minutes. While i'm at my house anytime i want to use wifi i have to manually select the network and enter my password, every time!

I have an iPhone 4 with iOS6 installed that stays connected with no problems so i can rule out the router and the OS... It's unique to the iPhone5.

I've also been to the Genius Bar 2 times to first have a factory reset done on the original phone and the second to have them replace the handset altogether, yet the problem persists. I have another appointment to see them today.

Is anyone else having this issue? I posted on the apple support forums and have had no responses in 3 days. I've also searched online to see if anyone else is experiencing this. It seems like nobody else is having t his problem at all. Any ideas? I feel like i've tried everything.