Introducing two cats. Am I doing it right?


New member
May 3, 2010
Yesterday I adopted a 3 month old female kitten. Surprisingly she settled well, no hiding or getting scared with my family. So today I allowed to let my 1 year old male unspayed cat go in to the confinement room to see what their reactions would be. My old cat just acted curious and want to go near her, and she hissed at him so he just watched from 3 meters. Now here they are, 3 meters apart and laying on the floor, no commotion or anything. My old cat is pretty accepting I guess, he's just curious. Am I doing this right or should I get my old cat out from the room?
sorry for the less-than-stellar english, haha. i was in a rush.
No, you are doing it right. For some it doesn't take much to realize the other is of no harm. For the next few days, perhaps a week-I would still put the kitten in the confinement room at night or when you are not around. Also have the kitten out and go about your business as usual. If the older cat thinks he is not being watched his behaviour may change. That though I highly doubt, it's just a precaution.
I used to rescue cats and have never had to isolate a new one for longer than 3 days. It was as if they all knew my home was their last chance.