Interestings things about your parents

My dad once said a bad word. I accidentally heard him, but please don't tell him I did. Or else he will put me in time out and take away my Lego's.
my dad was the one and only person to survive a round house kick from CHUCK EFFN NORRIS!!!
my dad smoked pot with johnny hopkins and sloan ketterman. they blazed that shit up everyday
My dad was a poor black child raised by big mama and silly papa. He learned to beg by the time he was 4, and now makes a living off of being a panhandler.
my parents are average people. I'm pretty sure my mom works for like one of the best doctors in the country or something.
my mom drove a truck. :tup:

my dad was a gigantic coke addict who is ridden with disease and is probably dead in texas somewhere. :tup:
My parents are hard working people who earned everything they have in life. They're not some snob ass bitches who inherited their wealth, or go a full ride college education or any other kind of hand me down. That's why I think my parents are better than 90% of the people out there.
kewl an f-16, my dad's a pilot also, he flew c-5 galaxies and c-130 hercules, but now he flys 747's
happy now?