interesting topic ideas for compare and contrast college essay?!?


May 13, 2008
i'm in an english composition course for my first year of college and we have to do a compare and contrast essay and im stuck trying to think of topic ideas. everything i think of doesnt seem sufficient -___- here's what i've come up with:

commuting vs residential life in college
the way boys think vs the way girls think (i thought this would be good and light hearted but i have no idea where to begin)
being in a relationship vs being single
todays youth vs. past generations youth

please give me ideas. and if you like one of my own PLEASE give me starter tips or points i can use throughout my essay. help would be greatly appreciated thanks guys:)
Idea for the men/women one:

Men like to pretend like they don't understand women, like women are this entirely different species. They moan and complain about the unsolvable puzzle of what goes on in a woman's mind. But the truth is, we're really not that complicated. It just takes one glance at some summer blockbuster, Kate-Hudson infested romantic comedy to boil down the essence of the modern American woman: we want to be treated with some amount of respect, we like to go shopping with our girlfriends, we always look perfect when we wake up in the morning, and no matter what we do for a living, our apartments are always the perfect blend of wildly exorbitant and quirky.

But women aren't much better, honestly. We act like we don't know what men want. Let's be honest; men are even less complicated than women. We're just too shy or afraid to admit it. There's only one thing that men, especially college aged men, are interested in. Sex. It's this weird, oddly obsessive compulsion that men have, and it seems like women are constantly skirting around it. We want to be independent and be seen as intelligent, but the truth is, no matter how far away we get from chauvinistic "Mad Men," sex will always sell for one reason: men can't resist.