interesting books for a teenager?


New member
Nov 1, 2012
well i'm 14 and i just can't find any books that i really like. i did find this one book called 'Angel's Fury' by Bryony Pearce. which i just couldn't put down (i suggest getting it) and since i haven't been able to find any book which i actually wanted to read. even though i would finish the books i get, i just always get to a point in the book where i'm either bored out of my mind or just lost.
for example:
i brought a book called 'angel burn' and i liked it at first, it was a little interesting and i thought it was building up to a big dramatic event. but half way though the book it turns all smushy and boring. just the characters talking about how much they loved each other. and nothing really happened.

so i' really need some suggestions on good book but not classic ones like : the hunger games, harry potter, Terry Pratchett or Dickens.
and maybe books which has a semi complicated story line, not too long and have a great ending.

thanks :)