Interested or not? i'm confused. :/?


New member
Feb 14, 2008
so i have this friend whom ive been talking to here and there, and im not really sure what to make out of our conversations. to start off, i know he has a girlfriend and i would NEVER try and break them up or expect him to cheat on her. i would NEVER go after a taken guy, because im not like that. but lately i have no idea whats going on. lately its been a little weird between me and him... usually one of the first things that happens in the conversation is he asks if i have a boyfriend. he usually asks 9 out of 10 times we talks. hes told me that he thinks im attractive and when he was single he told me straight out that i was someone hed want to try hook up with and that theres a possibility of us actually dating. [no he doesnt hook up with tons of girls weve talked about this and he doesnt really do hook ups cuz he perfers to be in relationships] so im not sure if hes just asking if i have a boyfriend cuz hes my friend or if hes interested in me. he also doesnt really talk about his girlfriend much, usally only when asked. i mean i know hes into her and he likes her a lot, but its just weird that he keeps asking me that. i asked him if he wanted to go to a club with me over this summer [as friends!!] and he said his girl was the "jealous type" but then he followed that up with something like "well, anything can happen by then.." i asked what he meant by that but all he said was im not sure. then he apologized and asked if we were cool and still friends. [i said yes of course] so idk what that was about. and this was probably a really immature thing, but we were talking about apps for my ipod and one thing led to another and we started talk about the more "adult" apps and he said that he would get the one app [something about large breasts] if i was in it. and did one of those winking smiliey things. ;] it was amusing, but thats just what our friendship is like we dont really hold anything back.. but he had a girlfriend when he said that. so idk. And sometimes we even stay up all night talking to each other, just talking about anything and everything... which i find interesting cuz we connect really well even though theres a 2 year age difference. not that age means much, but i just think that its interesting how we just get each other and stuff. [im 21, hes 19.] so yeah.

anyways.. thats pretty much everything. theres probably some things i forgot, but im sure you get the point by now.

i just dont know what to do ? should i wait for him or just move on ? do you think its even a good idea to go after him at all ?

all opinions are welcome! :]

He probably likes you anyway but maybe he kinda likes sex cause he was mentioning the breast thing so you'd better keep a lookout of yourself in case something happens.