Increased anxiety despite medication?


Mar 18, 2008
I was finally diagnosed with Panic D/O in 1991 after numerous ER visits, though I had symptoms since childhood. My father had it as well. I have been on Prozac since then and my Dr. added Xanax 0.5 mg twice/day about 2 yrs ago, when I suddenly developed increased free-floating anxiety, especially in the mornings. I am literally afraid to get out of bed. I asked my Dr. to increase the Xanax to 3x/day so I can take two at nights to sleep since all sleep medications he prescribed (Ambien, Soma) had terrible side effects for me. He refuses, saying its too much. I ended up in the ER 2 months ago cause I had taken 3/day on some days, ran out, was without for about 5 days and started hallucinating and was told in the ER it was Benzo withdrawal. I was shocked. I do NOT take any other drugs, street or prescription, which was confirmed in the ER through UA and blood tests. The ER Dr. said that 1.5mg of Xanax/day with Panic and Generalized Anxiety D/O it is not unreasonable to take that amount, but my Dr. won't budge. BTW I am a Nurse and watch very carefully what I put into my body, but without insurance I cannot find a Psychiatrist that will see me. This constant state of anxiety without relief is unbearable. What shall I do????? I exercise, eat well, etc. but nothing helps.......I am in constant state of terror, its almost unbearable...I need some help