Im trying to get in shape for college soccer but the only thing preventing


New member
Feb 13, 2013
that is the painful shin splints.? What can I do about them. I really want to gain endurance but after running 3/4 of a mile I start to get really bad shin splints specially on my left leg. Ive been playing since I was 4 years old and I am 21 now. I stopped playing when I was 19 and by that I mean playing constantly at the college level. So I was in ok shape but that's when I started to get shin splints and endurance was key at that level and I couldn't get it.So i decided to stop playing collegiate soccer because I didn't feel like I could get rid of the shin splints since I had been playing for a while I thought they were permenant now. for the last 2 1/2 years ive only been playing about once or twice a week so nothing to intense and I still get them. I decided I wanted to play for my college again but once I started to train this really got in the way and has kept me from playing at a higher level. What can I do to get rid of them? idk if im just not pushing myself hard enough that's maybe why they aren't going away but they are pretty painful. It sucks because I play center mid and I'm pretty good at it not trying to boast myself up but if i could gain endurance I think I could easily play D1. SO if someone has some good advice for me i'd really appreciate it.Thanks.