I'm sick of Christians telling me my future is to be flame broiled on a BBQ...


New member
Mar 11, 2010
...grill because I'm no Christian? And you Christians who don't say that to me still don't have any real moral issue with it since in your mind, you'll happily be sipping mint julips up in Heaven while the sweet smell of my roasting body floats up and fills your nostrils like spicy gyro meat.
I suggest you get used to it. It is simply what they are told to believe, so they do. I feel sorry them. Can you imagine a life lived in fear of not being good enough for a raging, ego-maniacal tyrant? Let them think what they want, it doesn't mean they're right.
Wheres the question?

Wheres the proper sentence structure?

Its not Christians job to save you from roasting, thats your problem. I am sure they will help you if you use your big boy words and ask nicely.
Hey if you can't stand the heat, get outta R&S (no pun intended) or develop thicker skin -- as Atheists tell us.

But if you don't believe in it, it shouldn't even bother you. (If some Satanist told me that if I don't worship Satan, I'll burn forever, I would simply disregard it because I don't believe in that.) The fact that it even gets to you so intensely is pretty telling.
Not all Christians believe this. My religion (ELCA Lutheran) believes that everyone is going to heaven, regardless of what they believe or don't believe.
I guess most of us get sick of all the warnings we have in life. You don't have to heed these comments. However I don't think that hell is a place of real fire but it will be a place of real suffering of which fire is a metaphor.

There are people who call themselves Christian who will find themselves in hell also so it is not necessary to become a Christian to go to heaven but you have to know Jesus and what you call yourself is your business.
remember, I know you may not accept this, but, the christians should; romans 2- Therefore, o man, you are without excuse, everyone who judges, for in which you judge another you condemn yourself, since you who judge practice the same wrongs..... keep reading it only gets better, and don't let what others say be offensive, just be.
If you found a giant block of gold wouldn't you want to go telling everyone? Well if someone found eternal salvation wouldn't you expect them to tell people? I tried to find your question funny but its just stupid. Dont blame christians because they are not perfectly representing. They are human also
. Read up on your history about Jesus and the bible, and look and how things were prophecied and came true, and were dated 200 years apart. It's really awsome.
The muslims have won ALL of the debates when it comes to christians and muslims.

The Quran has foretold this and it says that when the jews and christians declair that only they will go in heaven, we should ask them for their proof.

When any musilm actually asks them they show their bible and say: my bible says this and my bible says that.
but their bible has contradictions and errors in it.

A few mathematical errors in bible:
It is said in the Book of Ezra, Ch 2, V 65.... there were 200 singing men and women.
but in Nehemiah, Ch 7, V 67 it says that there were 245 singing men and women.... The context is the same.
1 book of kings, Ch 24, V 8..... solomon had 2000 baths
but is 2 Chronicles, Ch 4, V 5: ..... it says solomon had 3000 baths..... the context is the same.

regarding jesus christ:
*Gospel of mathew: Ch 1, V 16: it says that jesus' father joseph was the son of jacob.
* Luke, Ch 3, V 23 : joseph, the father of jesus, was the son of Halie.
did jesus' father joseph had two fathers????

hence when they say that they will be the only one to go in heaven they are BLASPHEMING!

..."when truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes; because falsehood is by its nature bound to perish" AL-QURAN
Look them squarely in the eye, and smile, stating that at least I'll be comforted by the thought that you'll be on the grill beside me! :D

After all, how many Christians eat Cheesburgers or Pizzas (with meat)? Mixing Dairy and Meat is a Sin.
How many Christians empty their bowels into a hole they personally dug out 100 yards from town? Not doing so violates the Hygene Rules laid-out by the bible.
How many Christians wear cotton underwear and wool clothing? (Or silk & cotton, wool & linen, etc?)
Wearing more than one type of cloth is a Sin.

It's SOooo easy to use the Bible (or *almost* any other Holy Text) against a believer. A Wiccan friend had a PRIEST...someone whom *studies* the Bible...doubting his Vows.

EDIT: Wouldn't it be ironic if the skit Mr. Rowan Atkinson (aka: Mr. Bean) played were true? quote: "The Devil: And finally, Christians. Christians? Ah yes, I'm sorry. I'm afraid the Jews were right. "
Not entirely sure where you heard all that, but I think your concept of heaven and hell are a bit misconstrued. I think you should do a little more research before you say things like this.
Heaven is a "Free" gift bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus if you are willing to accept it.