im paranoid about aliens? not a joke!?


Active member
May 12, 2008
ok, im 14 years old, a liitlle old for this. I never seen an alien and I dont want to. I have been told that they have abducted people please dont laugh this is not a joke! im getting freaked out, I dont have anxiety, but I still get very scared, sometimes into a a coldsweat. any help for me? what are my chances of being abducted? 1 in a million?
Don't worry people make aliens seem like bad things like there gunna kill us but thats just in the movies,if they are real they simply wanna see our way of living!I'm sure they're afraid we might abduct them too!I'm sure if our government found an alien body they wld research it then put it back were it belongs.Dont be afraid!Your chances arent even 1 in a million,they're less!
If there is intelligent life on other planets, they will be millions of light years away, so I doubt if they would ever visit the Earth.
aliens probably do exist, however it is EXTREMELY unlikely that they have system of travel that can take them across galaxies in a short period of time like you see in the movies.
you are not in any danger.
Well if we assume aliens exist in the universe (good odds), and that they're visiting Earth (very low chance according to scientists), and they do abduct people....

I think you're odds of being abducted would be low.

But you're going about this all wrong. I think, you shouldn't worry about being abducted by aliens, but working up a plan for what you'd do if you were.

My thoughts are...

1. Establish contact. Try to talk to them.
2. Don't fight them. This will just piss them off.
3. Ask them why they didn't knock and introduce themselves.
4. Tell them to put you back where they found you when they're done.
sit down and ask yourself why would they want you? Seriously...I have heard of abductions but never of 14 year olds.

I would say it is more than a million to 1, billions to 1 since they have the whole world to choose from not jst your country.......if they even exist !
Your chances of being abducted are probably much higher than 1 in a million, so I wouldn't worry too much about it... Abduction will cease very shortly, as our cosmic brothers & sisters will officially announce themselves to the world... Much to the disdain of certain departments of the US government... There are several alien races who are currently responsible for abduction, and not all of them are really abiding by the Galactic Laws...

I am an abductee, and they have been taking me for 44 years... I feel that there has been a purpose for them taking me... What that is, I don't know, but I also don't care... They have never, to my knowledge harmed me... Just failed to put me back precisely where they took me from, on 5 occasions that I am fully aware of...

People who live in their own small world, reading their Bible, for which there is not one scrap of proof as to anything written therein is remotely factual, are the ones who usually discredit people like myself... Mainstream religion is the number 1 reason for the UFO cover up... "The Question" has been asked and they didn't like the answer, so to keep all "the sheeple" grazing in their own perspective paddocks, all knowledge of any extraterrestrial contact is vehemently denied... But their very carefully constructed house of cards, is about to come crashing down around their ears...

There are millions, upon millions of people who have been abducted throughout the world, and I know a small amount of them... We all have similar stories, and we are from very diverse careers... I know scientists who have been abducted !!!

As I said before, fear not, they won't be coming for you...
In Light... )O(
Aliens are all around you for one. And what makes you think that you have not already been abducted for a few hours and have not been examined. Maybe they wiped your mind clear after they were done with you. No reason to be scared, they could be a friend.
Well Kevin, since there is no scientific proof of aliens, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Aliens are something that have intrigued people for years and years but there is no legitimate proof that there are any on Earth, rather so called alien landings and abductions are the manifestations of the minds of hillbillies and greedy scumsuckers who want their 15 mins of fame.

However, I'm not saying that there aren't aliens full stop. I think it'd be a little arrogant to assume that we are the only intelligent life that exists in the whole universe. But have you asked yourself: are they as scared of us as we are of them?