I'm not gay. She's in love with me, and I don't understand her anymore. She's my


Jun 1, 2008
bestfriend.? Where do I begin. Right..

I have posted many other questions about this situation, but now I've reached a new problem, and I need advice. If you're willing to help; thank you, if not, then thanks for stopping by.

I'll cut the basic outline short. There's a girl, she's 2 years younger. For 6 months, she told me regularly how in love with me she was, that she couldn't live without me, she would die for me and I meant everything to her. She would predictably text me on average around...4 times a day, plus a 2 hour chat on Skype every night. Part of me fell for her too. I didn't think I was gay, but I really loved the way she made me feel. My Mum found out about the situation, and put a stop to it, and for the 6 month Summer holiday, she stopped me from seeing the girl, and I had no communication with her for about 2 months. We went back to school... and it started again. We were bestfriends to begin with, that's why it was so hard for me to let go. I told her, that I didn't want a relationship with her, and I realised that i was just flattered by the things she was saying, rather than, her.

Things have been perfect recently. I feel like I've got my best friend back. We'd text, hug when we saw each other, and talk on skype regularly. Everything was perfect. Then... she text saying she needed to tell me something. She met me, and it took a while to get it out of her, because she kept saying she was 'scared of losing' me., but she eventually told me that she still likes me. I kind of knew. I reacted badly because I guess....I loved us being friends and felt things would change - in a bad way, so I didn't react well. She then panicked and told me that she doesnt like me as much as before...and likes a GUY too. Which I later found out she told me because she thought thats what i wanted to hear and in fact she doesnt like him. She then went on to ask my friend if she's ever been in love. Which made me think that she's still in love... right?

The whole point of this question is ... recently, it's been weird. She doesn't text me in the day anymore, we barely really talk on skype and if we do, it's not for long, and she doesn't come over and hug me during school. I feel like I'm losing her. I tried distancing from her, like, ignoring her too, as before, she would make an effort to pull me back, but now...she doesn't. I don't know what to do. I don't usually text her first, but today I did, and she ignored it. And, on skype, she took me out of her personal message, and she went offline last night without saying goodnight or anything, and usually she would, or text me after saying goodnight. Everything's different. At first thought, I thought maybe it's because before, she knew i liked her back when she told me...but this time, she knows that i dont like her back..and i think she told me, because she wanted me to say that i like her too?...and i didnt.

I dont understand her. I need some advice. I sort of talked to her about it tonight, but she just said that she's sorry if she's done anything to upset me. Is she over me already? I'm so confused. What do I do ? The fact she likes me, doesn't bother me, I just don't want to lose my best friend and i dont understand why, now, she's suddenly backing off...after telling me she likes me.

A while ago, we were talking, and she had problems with one of her friends, and i told her, that the best way to see how much someone cares, is to back off for a while, and see how much they miss you. Maybe that's in her head?

Oh god, I'm sounding so pathetic. Sorry. If you're still reading, thank you!.. Can you offer any advice? How do you think she's feeling? I don't understand her anymore.