I'm not a great fan of olives, is there anything i can replace them with that



will add a tasty flavour? the recipe is for chicken with beans and chorizo: i dont need something that will mimic the flavour of olive, but something that will add its own "oompf" Thank you!

Chicken, Chorizo, and Bean Bake
(adapted from Donna Hay’s Smoked Paprika Chicken and Lemon Bake, Donna Hay magazine, issue 32)

* 4 pieces chicken (I used 2 drumsticks and 2 thighs)
* 1 400-gram can of white beans, drained
* 1/2 a lemon, sliced
* 1/3 cup black olives
* 1 chorizo sausage, sliced
* 4 cloves garlic, bashed a bit but still in their skins
* 1 cup chicken stock
* A little less then 1/2 teaspoon pimentón de la vera
* Olive oil
* Sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper

- Place the beans on a baking dish, then pour the stock over them. Arrange the chicken pieces, lemon, olives, chorizo, and garlic over the beans. Drizzle olive oil over the whole lot. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and pimentón.
- Roast in a 200C oven for 45 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.