I'm looking to change my body? I need the advice of a personal trainer or fitness...


New member
Jul 5, 2008
...expert please? Can I build muscle and prevent fat gain by doing weight lifting excersises Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday while doing HIIT on Wednesdays for 20 min (jump rope, 2 min low intensity and 1 min super high intensity)

I obviously eat healthy 6 times a day 2 or 3 hours between each meal
I'm 18 years old, I weigh 148 ibs, I have a 32 inch waist, around 17% body fat(skinny fat), and i measure 1'75 or 5'8 in length so will the plan above make me build muscle and prevent fat gain?
Just in case, i rest on the weekends but I still do my diet of 6 meals per day
It all comes down to how many calories you eat. If you eat more calories than you burn off in a day you will gain weight. And vice-versa. Key to losing weight= burn more calories than you eat. That forces your body to consume fat in place of the calories you need.