Im going Army, officer or enlisted

post in the military thread.... officer. Trust me. U will get shitted on if u are a enlister. Make more money and actually get respect. Go officer
wrong...if we pull out now the insurgeons will pull out and attack us at our home. now i dunno about you but i would much rather be gettin shot at over there then have a chance of my family getting hurt.
Just because a politician says it, doesn't mean its true...

And I hate to pull this card, but if you can't even spell "insurgents" I doubt you are a very credible source.

Id really like to see them try to attack us here.. I can't even fly home with a military ID without getting basically strip searched.

How long has it been since there was a SERIOUS, Al Quieda Threat on American Soil?
If the insurgents really wanted to attack us at home, why haven't they done any domestic terrorism since 9/11? They already have cells located all around the US so it's not like it would be that hard.

People say that being over has allowed us to kill a lot of insurgents...yes, that's true. But how many of the insurgents that we're killing were actual insurgents before we occupied the country....and what majority of those are brand new and became insurgents solely for the fact we're an occupying force that isn't leaving?

It's like the movie Red Dawn...the kids weren't insurgents before the Russkies invaded. But after occupation they took up arms and became insurgents.

If the insurgents really wanted to attack us at home, they would have done it already (I'm not talking about 9/11...that was more to do with our support of Israel). If we were to slowly leave Iraq and hand over control to the Iraqi Army/Police, I really don't think the insurgents will bring the fight to US soil.
first of all whether or not i can spell insurgents is very irrelevant. Anyways I see your points. you have your opinions I have mine, I dont feel like sitting here trying to persuade you. Thats just they way I see it.
we cant

because we'd be leaving their country waaay worse hten when we got there....we have to stay there to help them establish a fully functional democracy...and i guarntee you not 100% of us americans will leave there until that happens...until then we will always have a pressence (sp)?

afghanistan....i think we should deploy everyone out there...fuck it, then go to pakistan
Fact is, we will never be completely out of Iraq.. or the middle east for that matter.

I can guarantee you, though, if a democrat is elected this year, we will see massive numbers of troops withdrawing. I don't think anyone thinks that we should completely just up and leave, but the majority of America wants us out.
It was a simple example to put it into laymans terms.

You also have to understand that I've been there.
I've kind of been having this same debate. I have to go to college before i do anything but i am seriously considering doing NROCT i want to be a marine. I really want to fly but i will probably be disqualified for my eyesight. But i still want to do something worthwhile.
it's gonna be just like Korea, we'll always have troops in Iraq. I won't be surprised if my new unit (2ID) will even come down on orders tho because after their 12month stateside stabilization is over, we'll have a new President.
ima vote for obama but i dont like any of the choices we have for President. Obama is onna ruin the military.
What kind of deployment schedule are you on? I'm a Marine in a infantry unit and we got 7 months deployments, 7 months in the rear, 7 month deployments..etc.
i still want to be a marine... i always have and most likely always will. but i have a great girlfriend and i am in college. i am not throwing that away
why are Army deployments so long?

It seems like it should be

more ppl=shorter deployment times
less ppl (marines)=longer
not sure why it's like that, it's been like that for a few years tho. My buddy just got back from an 18 month deployment and he's ready to be deployed again next year with me.
Marines have always been known as the shock troops. We tend to go in the crappy areas (like Al Anbar used to be), are very aggressive, and try to clean the place up fast/effectively. That's why they call us the "Tip of the Spear."

We don't have the resources like the Army to sit in for the long haul or set up large permanent bases.

That's why they're sending so many Marines to Afghanistan right now....Iraq is pretty tame now but Afghanistan is where the fighting is at.
Iraq IS pretty tame now, the only thing that is still killing troops are IED's and maybe mortar/RPG fire.