I'm an atheist, but I confess that I was happier when I was a Christian. Have you...


Jun 20, 2008
...ever had that feeling? I was always alone. And I believed that someone was watching over me, hear me, see me. And I dreamed a lot, and had a huge expectation in relation to life, to what might happen in the future. I lived in the clouds. I thought I was experiencing an ordeal, and everything would be golden in the future.
But we get older, study, seek knowledge, see the fallacies and inconsistencies of all religious books, and the very existence of God, and see that life has no sense.
I was happier yes. I had high expectations. But God was a constant disappointment to every day. There is no future planned. There is nothing, unless we do now.
Yes with some people it is older and and wiser, with others like you it is senile and stupid.. Luck of the draw apparently
yes and no. i just left christianity so i'm sad but thats because it used to fill the void of being alone like you said. I also noticed in life though "God's love" is nothing when it comes to feeling love from a real person who will respond to you, hold your hand, and allow you to see their face all unlike God. God only has some sort of placebo effect, that's all it is; an imaginary friend that's nothing compared to my real friends
"The fact that a believer is happier than a sceptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality." - Copy to Clipboard
-- George Bernard Shaw
As a former Catholic...I can only say... I'm just glad I wasn't one of the 'chosen' ones.
I haven't felt that way personally, but many do. Its an after effect of realization.
Though I will admit, the love of my life severely affects my feelings and emotions, and virtually is a goddess in my eyes if it counts for any added environmental change that may attribute to why I have no such feelings.
I haven't felt that way personally, but many do. Its an after effect of realization.
Though I will admit, the love of my life severely affects my feelings and emotions, and virtually is a goddess in my eyes if it counts for any added environmental change that may attribute to why I have no such feelings.
The word Christian means Christ follower. If you were really following him, then you would know him intimately.

From what you wrote, sounds like you never knew him.
Happiness isnt going to come to you, stop being lazy go looking for it.
The best decision you have done so far is breaking away from the fairy tales
Now the next thing you have to do is go out and find some friends, have some fun. Life is too short to sit around depressed about how you were happier when you believed in religion.
see if you can get Science of Mind free online or if you can buy it, it was written by Ernest Holmes. If you want something simple just read You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. Just be patient you will see that we are all one & the loneliness will fade away once you are focused on enjoying life.

No to answer you question. The people I am around now are much more reliable than the christians who believed in some crazy things. So look up New Thought center & attend one in your area to meet people who are more honest.