I'm 17, how can I loose weight? I can't afford a gym or extremely healthy...


New member
Mar 22, 2012
...food, what else can I do? ? What excersised can I do in my room to get healthier and fitter? Just small ones to start, I'm very out of shape. An what can I eat / not eat? Again I don't have much money so cheaper options please! Thank you!! :)
Okay. So, you're 17; you want to lose weight and eat healthier.

There are plenty of exercises you can do at home to start off your new fitness lifestyle; and as surprising as it might be eating healthy isn't expensive at all.

First things first. If you have any contraindications, that is any conditions that might impact your ability to exercise, consult your doctor first before beginning any regime.

otherwise, there's lots of options. For losing weight, you will probably want to do some cardio exercise. Start out walking, and increase the intensity as you can deal with it. So, start jogging after a while..

You can also add some strength exercises like push ups and sit ups etc. I would also suggest squats. But, that would depend on what your weight is like at the moment.

At the moment, however, I reckon any activity you do as long as you consistently stick with it you should find you will lose weight!

With the food, try to stay clear of fast food and alcohol. A lot of the time, they are full of energy, and in the case of fast food, full of fat. They aren't worth the time when you're trying to lose weight. With a little bit of effort, you can eat healthy. Chicken curry with a little bit of rice, Steak and vegetables, Omlettes are nice and easy! The best advice I can give when it comes to food is simply to put in a little bit of effort and thinking when it comes to meals. Don't be afraid to try something new and just enjoy it!

Other options for exercise are extra-curricular activities like sport groups, or outdoor adventure kind of activities like bush walking, rock climbing and all can all help ! :)
Start with easy exercise like daily walks, swimming, street bicycling, etc. and work up to more strenuous exercise when you're ready. As for food, you don't have to buy anything expensive to eat healthier. Just eat more whole fruits and vegetables and less fatty meats and processed and/or junk foods (chips, sodas, snack cakes, candy, etc.). Good luck! :)
You don't need to go to the Gym. Just Exercise in your house it's more practical. And for sure you have internet connection so try downloading TaeBo Videos in Youtube. for better more Download it. It contains many different exercise positions that will make you fit.
If you have the money, i understand you short on that right now, but its not expensive, buy "the primal blueprint". you can lose a pound a week on that. If your looking for quicker results, try "the master (lemon) cleanse" although it conflicts with "the primal blueprint", my brother did it, and it worked great for him.
Well if you want to loose weight so best method is try to natural way to reduce weight.Cut off all the junk, fast food, avoid all oily foods.Eat steam vegetables, avoid meat.Eat fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables.Drink plenty of water every day.Eat before 2.5 hours when you go to sleeping.
fitness classes san carlos
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