IM 15 had i have noo boobs !!!?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
im really worried cuz i have like noo boobs at all... my chest is like flat and im 15. b4 i didnt worry so much cuz i thought eventually it woulg grow but it didnt!!!! also i started my period when i was 10 and still i barely got any boobs....!!! is there anything in can do to help it grow like in natural ways?? like specific foods and stuff?? please give me advice other than saying be patient. I've been patient enough, i dunt like want huge boobs or anything i just want to actually have some atleast.... please help me thanks!
exercise them every day and take lots of vitamins and just be patient, i know people who didn't get boobs til later on just wait and see
omg! you are so LUCKY!
hun, im 13 and my size is 34D. it SUCKS! all the guys just stare at your chest all the time and then during gym i feel super self conscious and im constantly thinking about them.
your period and your boob size have no correlation.
theyll come when they come.
bib boobs are a curse. i wish every single day that i had normal sized boobs. they look so disproportionate with my body. my friends tease me about it in a joking way, but it really does hurt.
so be patient and just be yourself. it doesnt matter what size you are, people will like you for who you are.