If you take a picture of a car can it mes up the paint?


Jun 17, 2008
Today I went to the Lamborghini place to get some pictures and when I went inside i got my ipad out and started taking pics then these 2 girls that worked there said I wasn't allowed to take pictures
This is the only place that does this, at the ferrari & Maserati place, or the Mclaren place don't care same with the Mercedes place and even the other Lamborghini place that is in the same chain called the auto gallery
Sorry for the dumb question
Obviously you can't take pictures there because you are taking pictures is not an option.
No it does a. People take pic of places like that so they know what cars to steal so thay can get in and out fast at night and b. They see sume kid taking pic they no ur not buying
You don't mess up the paint. They likely thought you were comparison shopping. Car dealerships are always telling you to compare prices, but don't want you.