If you had a daughter in law that you went out of your way to be nice too,


New member
Jun 8, 2008
and all she did was complain what? to be nice too and all she showed you was animosity But, she was married to your son and you did for her as you did for your son. Money that they needed, things for there home, ETC. Then she finally insults you. what would you do , don't forget she is married to your son.
I think you should pray for her. Let GOd handle the situation. Remember if you say something yo shouldn't you can never take it back. And that is his wife now you don't want problems with you and your sons relationship either.

IN HIS time you can tell her in a sweet, motherly way ...

You know what I was starting to feel like you didn't love me as much as I love you because.... (and smile while saying it)......
Not getting the "to be nice too" in your question. But, if you are helping them out financially and she has turned around and insulted you, stop. Tell your son you love him dearly but you are unsure of what the problem is with his wife and until she talks to you as an adult and explains what her problem is, you will not help them anymore. You have stated she has been showing you animosity all along so there is something more to this than you have explained. Maybe you are too involved and they really don't need you help but there is some other reason why they are not able to manage money which you are not aware of or are choosing to ignore. Then you are enabling. Think about it and talk to your son. Either way, she needs to apologize but you also need to listen to her.
As a daughter in-law I am extremely respectful. Due to my up bringing. I would speak to her in the presents of your son/her husband. Get it of your chest. say what you feel you need to express and walk away.

good luck on this one. Hope I helped some.
well i have a sister inlaw that is like that and rude and when we are nice to her i just was rude back and told her if she was gonna be rude to me in my house she could just get out! i mean if she does that stuff just do it back or do something she cant stand if they get mad at you it wont be for long but yea thats wat we do it works and sows them!=]
What is she complaining about? Listen to her, answer her, and as soon as she sees you are really thinking of her or what is best, start talking to her and telling her how she makes you feel.
Don't start a conversation with a person who is not in listening mode, that's what I say.
She sounds kind of ignorant, but we all go through phases like that.
You can try to get through to her, but sometimes life experience is the only thing that makes a person realize the mistakes they have made and the people they have taken for granted.
You sound like you care, MILs that really do are relatively rare, lol!
You cant do anything. Only you can pray for things to become good. It is not in ur hand. Tough luck...
You cant do anything. Only you can pray for things to become good. It is not in ur hand. Tough luck...
I remember my mother being rude to my grandmother. My grandmother was as sweet as could be & loved my mother. I think you just have to be like my grandmother. It is upsetting me after over 30 years but some things in life are just like this. ..Now there are things you can do if you want to get really deep into something that might be really out of what you are used to & I can direct you to things like visualization. Go to a site Abraham-Hicks....recently I took there advice cause I was getting upset w/my husband & I stopped seeing him the way I was & it really worked. When we change ourself people outside us change. Your fear or believe about her might be creating your problems so learn about this kind of stuff it really works.
the question is do you want to keep seeing your son? she will keep him from you if he sees your not nice to her (and the future grandkids). he married her and sleeps with her and will chose his wife over you.
you can cut back on the money and only give it to your son when you see them together.
the question is do you want to keep seeing your son? she will keep him from you if he sees your not nice to her (and the future grandkids). he married her and sleeps with her and will chose his wife over you.
you can cut back on the money and only give it to your son when you see them together.