If you could pass one new law...

yay, lets just execute everyone, fun
i still wouldn't be willing to put my life in the hands of any females who sleep with me and/or have a grudge against me. i would move to another country along with 90 percent of the male population. have fun with your cucumbers

it's not about how you look, it's about being healthy physically and mentally. it's about building good habits from a young age, instead of just training everyone to sit around playing video games and eating chips for entertainment. besides, if you think you wouldn't be happier if you were healthier, stronger, and better looking, then you're delusional.
There are two which I'm torn between:

-Require a test to run for office. Especially federal office. Lawyers have the bar exams, doctors have the MCATs.... politicians should have something too. We could call it the PAT (Political Aptitude Test). Yes, I realize it's undemocratic, but I think having at least a basic grasp of economics, law, and politics should be a prerequisite for running the country.

Or, bring back prohibition. Drunk drivers scare me a lot more than Al Queda or street gangs.
wow!! you must know some very dangerous drunks!
naw, i know drunk drivers can be dangerous.
And so begins the derailment of yet another thread...

Blind - god bless you for thinking I was joking.

You won't need cucumbers where you're going Skrom. You'll be plenty entertained with 90% of the male population in one place You are such a spelling Nazi, it's quite an attractive personality disorder.

Back on topic, I think environmental laws should be heavily enforced with financial penalties as well as jail terms for offending corporations. The laws in regards to these are a joke at the moment.
I didn't assume one way or another, Im just easily amused. The whole "Ta-da!" just did me in for some reason...... I could just see a cop knocking on some unsuspecting falsifier's door with the "Ta-da!" ticket and noose in hand.....
If I can explain my concept to two *cough* normal *cough* people and have them apply the idea in a situation (see last two posts) then why is the rest of the world not ready for it?
Skrom - you need some PR training. Always ask the home owner their name before shooting so you don't get the wrong person. Imagine shooting the wrong person and saying ta-da!
I am not denying the benefits that would result from your plan, simply that I strongly believe the government should stay out of my personal life. The government has no business telling it's citizens when to work out, what weight they need to be, how fit they need to be etc....If someone wants to be fat, then they should have that right.

What kind of freedom doesn't allow you to treat your body as you wish?
you're right, i guess nobody should interfere with your mental development either. screw school. if someone wants to be stupid, that's their right. what kind of freedom doesn't allow you to treat your mind as you wish? oh yeah, heroin should be legal too.

nobody really wants to be fat, ok? doing an hour of physical activity every day is not a big deal, especially if you've been raised that way from a young age. i'm not saying everyone has to be a certain weight or at a certain level of fitness, because obviously it will vary. the important thing is that everyone is in decent shape, and that means that everyone will function that much better in all areas of life (you know, the whole "mind-body connection").

lily...come on now, try not to let your womanly emotions control you
i realize that you probably have good reasons for feeling strongly about this issue, but i'm afraid that randomly shooting strangers in the head is not the answer
I love you, man!

Very bad idea. It's the Electoral College that makes presidential candidates stump in Iowa, and Rhode Island, and West Virginia, and other places with small populations. Take away the Electoral College and presidential candidates would solely focus their attention on the ten most populated States, ignoring the other 40 States.

That'd be bad, dude.
The government shouldn't, it should be either my or my parents choice.

I would support the legalization of heroin, if it did not effect others. But it does, heroin causes innocents to be killed.

Being fat doesn't.

It is a huge deal, once you can tell people how to eat, exercise, etc.. How far behind will laws that tell you how to dress, how to relax, how to play, how to watch tv etc.. be?

Just because it provides positive benefits does not mean it does not come with negatives....Should we be able to put a gun to someones head and force them to perform exercises, force them to eat healthy foods?
Hey Skrom, don't you dare tell me how I should feel! I was just being silly but I do still vote for the death penalty for scummy rapists. There have been a lot of gang-rapes in Australia over the last few years and the sentencing has been too light (despite the perpetrators admissions of guilt) and it is still happening. It really, really scares me not to feel totally safe when I go out, am walking/jogging outside, to dress how I want etc.

Good point about the exercise/weight thing. It would save governments lots of money, health system would not be flooded with cases that are lifestyle related (cholesterol, heart disease), channel young people's energy into wholesome activities etc. Its already becoming part of the curriculum in Australia, school canteens can't sell certain junk food anymore, sport is compulsory till Year 10 etc..

That's not what Skrom is saying, no need to exaggerate with the gun analogy Apotheosis
1. i don't think the decision should be left in the hands of parents, because obviously, fat parents are going to pass their questionable eating and exercise habits on to their children. i think that's hardly fair to the children, because it is very difficult to break those habits as time goes on.

2. as lily has already pointed out, being fat does affect others.

3. oh please, don't go all 1984 on me. we're talking about an hour of exercise here; it's not a huge deal, and there's a damn good reason for it, considering the current state of the US population.

you wanna know why laws regulating the way you dress, relax, play, and watch tv will not follow? because they don't matter. you can watch tv upside down with a pair of chopsticks up your nose and nobody will be any worse off for it. it just doesn't matter.

more importantly, very few people watch tv upside down with a pair of chopsticks up their nose. if there were very few fat people, then there wouldn't be an issue, and extra physical conditioning would not be required. however, since there is a very obvious problem, don't you think fixing it would be a good idea since there's such a simple and relatively painless solution?

4. oh really? ok, i'm all ears. lets hear it.